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These drawings make use of a range of images derived from sensual experience across a wide historical span, including Baroque inter-twinnings, Victorian whimsy and contemporary images of sex. The resulting cocktail of violence, love and sentimentality is blurred, re-presented and articulated with visual similes of ribbons and folds. Representations of cunts, knobs, tits and cocks (which thrust inside of tight muscular orifaces) become tangled and trapped, whilst also revealing and forming delicate ribbon clad nymphs. 


 The drawings present ambiguois relationships between conflicting themes and values. They seek to play joyfully with an unlimited access of images, within various media formats. Aiming to challenge the plurality of consumption of these images, and crystallizing them into the precious format of lace. The subject of lace and embroidery is key to the idea of the elaborate and seductivly detailed. Whilst acknowledging and subverting ornamental crafts throughout interplay of subject and content, the work explores the intricacy and complexity of the ornate object. 

This project of work fuelled an interest in narrative drawings and composition which has been developed on into other bodies of work. 

Drawings by Em Kewley

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